We are very excited to deliver our Summer 2017 newsletter to you.
Be sure to invite everyone to make copies and share with friends and their AA groups.
And don’t forget… You can still submit your own story! We are looking for fellow LGBT+ members in recovery to share their story with us to be included in future editions of the newsletter. General guidelines include: 800-1400 words, handwritten or typed via email or word processing program, etc. (See AA Grapevine guidelines for additional information). Don’t forget to include a signed release form: https://gal-aa.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/PersonalStoryReleaseForm.pdf
There is no deadline, but why procrastinate? Carry the message to our fellow alcoholics today!
Stay tuned for our next edition to come out in October 2017!
Yours in Service,
GaL-AA Executive CommitteeDownload Now (pdf)Inside This Edition
Newsletter Contributors
Sober & Out
GaL-AA Fundraisers
Steps and Traditions 7, 8 & 9
Upcoming Roundups