In our spirit of rotation we hope to inspire you and excite willingness to serve the LGBT+ AA community on the GaL-AA executive board. We especially encourage young people in the LGBT+ community with a commitment to sobriety to help fill current openings. Young or not so young, we need our members to fill several vacancies on the board.
There are a few things you should know about our service positions. First, anyone can run for an executive committee position no matter where in the world you live. Second, we hold our monthly business virtually/electronically. Third, as per the GaL-AA by–laws, the executive committee generally has one (1) in-person (face-to-face) meeting each year after the International AA Convention and two (2) per year the year before and the year of the AA Convention. AA’s next International Convention is in Vancouver in 2025. Each committee member is responsible to pay for any travel and related expenses for in-person meetings (GaL-AA provides lodging). If you need any further information, please reach out to a current committee member.
(Term 1/1/2021 – 12/31-2023)
Available Gal-AA 2021-2023 Executive Committtee Positions:
Election Timeline:
12 October – 25 November 2020: Resume Submissions accepted
30 November 2020: Slate of Candidates announced and ballots distributed via email
30 November – 21 December 2020: Online voting open
28 December 2020: Results announced
01 January 2021: New board members assume responsibilities
Other Appointed Positions: Do you want to be of service but the positions above don’t seem the right fit for you? We have non-voting positions that are established by the board:
Help with newsletter
Roundup liaison(s)
Help with our website (design and maintenance)
The GaL-AA Executive Committee looks forward to your joining us to help bring the message of experience, strength and hope to our LGBT+ AA community. For questions and submissions, please email
In Service,
Carol N. Deputy Chair
For Your Reference:
Click to read the GaL-AA By-Laws on our website.
GaL-AA Executive Committee Terms ending 31 December 2020
Chair – Denise R..
Treasurer – Pierre B.
Advisor I – Jim A..
Advisor III – Randall R..
Any GaL-AA member may run for the Executive Committee by sending a service resume to
Your resume should outline work within the fellowship and any specific talents that you will contribute to GaL-AA’s mission.