We are very excited to deliver our Spring 2018 newsletter to you.
Be sure to invite everyone to make copies and share with friends and their AA groups. You can also just forward this email on to all your friends in AA and they can subscribe to future mailings!
We have lots of great news to share with you, including our Detroit AA International Committee and updates from our GaL-AA face-to-face committee meeting in March 2018.
Stay tuned for our next edition to come out in July 2018!
Yours in Service,
GaL-AA Executive CommitteeDownload Now (pdf)Inside This Edition
2020 Detroit Committee Updates
GaL-AA annual face-to-face meeting news
7th Tradition Article
Personal Story Submission: Angel on Interstate 81
Sober & Out/Contribute to GaL- AA
Steps and Traditions
Upcoming Roundups