Dear Gays and Lesbians in AA:
We have a new name, a renewed energy and a sharper clarity of purpose. Since July 2010, our primary tasks have been cleaning house, becoming stable, and clearing our wreckage to make way for the future. We listened to hundreds and hundreds of gays and lesbians and we acted on their requests. It is a new day!
GaL-AA is the new name! It stands for Gays and Lesbians in Alcoholics Anonymous. Much has changed in the thirty years since we began. In 1981 the only language that everyone could agree to was the International Advisory Council of Homosexual Men and Women in Alcoholics Anonymous (IAC for short). The long name was uncomfortable for many as the years went on and no one ever really understood what IAC meant. During the 2010 International Convention in San Antonio that was the number one question we were asked: “When are you going to change the name?”
Today we enjoy gay/lesbian meetings around the world and Alcoholics Anonymous identifies us as one of a few special interest groups. Nonetheless we are mindful of reaching the gay person coming to AA so fearful that he/she sees “gay” or “lesbian” as a barrier to sobriety. We all know that story! GaL-AA is a channel for the gay alcoholic in such fear. Our name changed but not our purpose. GaL-AA seeks to bring alcoholics together to help other alcoholics. To be gay/lesbian need not be a barrier to sobriety or an excuse to drink.
Website and Logo. At last, at last! What a struggle but we are here and we are ready. A team of talented volunteers offers you a new face, a new doorway and an increasing openness. There are still some glitches so be patient please.
Grapevine Issue of February 2011. GaL-AA approached the AA Grapevine about publishing an issue with a focus on gays in recovery. The Grapevine was very responsive and the call went out for stories. The special order sales for that issue was well over 4000 copies – the most EVER! The AA GSO continues to send it to gays/lesbians writing to GSO for help. Thank you to everyone who sent an article, read the issue and who shared it with others.
The Hand Of AA. As many suggested we are reworking the opportunities for Service Work within GaL-AA. In the age of websites, emails and cell phones we are able to reach out in new ways to the gay/lesbian alcoholic.
GaL-AA Representatives. We expanded the range of Representatives. As in the past, individuals may represent a group, a city, an area, a state or a country. Others may represent a Roundup, another AA Special Interest/Professional Group, etc. The goal remains to share information to and from GaL-AA.
Project Volunteers. Individuals and teams may choose to work on specific projects that extend the hand of A.A. in these or other areas: Corrections, Gay Youth, Gay College Students, Health Fairs, Public Events, Gay Media, Treatment Centers, Central/Area Office Volunteering, State/Area/Regional AA Conferences, and International Outreach just to name a few. Upcoming Newsletters and E-Blasts will offer more information on these many opportunities of service.
Finances. No – we are not rich but we are stable. For the first time in a long time we can establish a prudent reserve and save a little to help the Atlanta folks kick off planning as the hosts of the 2015 AA International Conference. This may seem a simple matter but in the fall of 2001 (post 9/11) things changed and donations hit a bottom. It has been a gradual move forward.
Minutes and Newsletter Archives. These are going up on the website and date as far back as we can find. Some are missing so we are putting out the call for copies. If you have items that are not on the website by 12/31/12, please send us a copy.
Elections – Executive Committee. Watch for details on the website: Nominations accepted in November each year, voting in December and the new Officers begin their terms in January of each year.
Atlanta 2015. The 80th Anniversary of AA will be in July 2015, in Atlanta at the International Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous. The gay and lesbian members of AA in Atlanta will host a hospitality suite and dance. If interested in helping please contact us and we will connect you with the Host Committee.
Thank you for your patience, trust and support. We welcome your thoughts on how best to help sober gays and lesbians within AA and those coming to sobriety in AA. Please see the Newsletter due in September.
Lynn W, Chairperson (Houston, TX)
Mike N, Deputy Chair (Marion, WI)
Carol N, Secretary (Stoneham, MA)
Geoff M, Treasurer (San Antonio, TX)
Robert F-D, Advisor I (Dallas, TX)
Gary C, Advisor II (Royal Oak, MI)
Pierre B, Advisor III (Atlanta, GA)
Robert F, Webmaster (Columbus, OH)